Municipality of Vratsa announces Simplified procedure publication reference: CB007.2.13.225 – PР3 - Service 02 under the project CB007.2.13.225 „QuesTour - Valorization and capitalization of unexplored tourism cultural and historical routes in the cross-b

Municipality of Vratsa announces Simplified procedure publication reference: CB007.2.13.225 – PР3 - Service 02 under the project CB007.2.13.225 „QuesTour - Valorization and capitalization of unexplored tourism cultural and historical routes in the cross-border region Bulgaria-Serbia” is co-funded by the European Union, through Interreg – IPA CBC Bulgaria – Serbia Programme 2014-2020, CCI Number 2014TC16I5CB007, Subsidy contract No RD-02-29-59/14.04.2020. Tenders must be sent to the contracting authority before 10.05.2021, 17:00 EET.